Top 5 fictional sports jerseys

Throughout the years, we have seen many fictional sports teams and players have some of the best looking jerseys, or at least have the coolest actors at the time wearing a jersey that we wanted. Most of them we can actually buy online. This blog will break down the best ones out there and hopefully I can include a link on where to purchase them. I’m new at this whole adding links thing, so if you’re interested in them just copy and paste the link into your browser.

5. Rookie of the year Henry Rowengartner Chicago Cubs jersey


If you havn’t seen the movie, it’s a classic case of a kid breaking his arm, getting put in a cast, and when it’s removed he can throw straight up fire. He was the Danny Almonte before Almonte took the Little League world Series by storm. Even as a fictional character, Henry may still be one of the greatest Cubs pitchers in their history.

4. Tim Riggins Dillon High School Panthers Jersey


For any viewers of Friday Night Lights, Tim Riggins was a major fan favorite. Dude did whatever he wanted. He showed up to practices drunk, got any woman he wanted, including a milf next door when he was 17, and had some of the best flow of any character that I can remember in recent TV history. Texas Forever!

3. The Jesus Shuttlesworth Lincoln High School Jersey


The classic Lincoln High School Jersey was worn by NBA superstar Ray Allen in the Spike Lee Movie “He Got Game”. Allen played star shooting guard Jesus Shuttlesworth. For people who have never seen it, his name is actually Jesus, just like the Christian prophet. Shuttlesworth had a jumper that was wetter than any water Jesus Christ could turn into wine.

2. Michael Jordan Space Jam Jersey


For any 90’s kid, this jersey is iconic. Space Jam may have been one of the first sports movies you have ever watched, and it was AMAZING. Combining the greatest athlete of our time with classic cartoon characters was the best decision in cinematic history. There has been rumors of a second Space Jam starring Lebron James, but lets be real, it’ll be him crying to the refs and somehow losing the game. If Lebron folds under normal pressure from just Earth watching him, he has no shot when there is intergalactic pressure. He will get all of the Looney Toon characters enslaved by Mr. Swackhammer. Thanks, Lebron!

1. Will Smith Bel-Air Academy Jersey


The holy grail of fictional sports jerseys, this Will Smith Bel-Air Academy jersey is a must have for any basketball or Will Smith fan. Balling in this, he made Russell Westbrook without KD look like a willing passer.  Too bad Carlton got all sensitive and had to take the last shot. He was a sidekick trying to play the hero, and as we have learned in the past, sidekicks can’t win it all without the hero. Just ask Scottie Pippen.

Top 5 fictional sports jerseys

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